Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Overcome: Go Big or Go Home

Hey guys! It's been a long time since I have blogged.

Why did I decide to start blogging again you ask?
   Well first of all lot of big changes are going on in my life right now and I feel like it's enough to get another blog started to share some of the things I'm going through.
   I usually journal and I'm really unorganized with the way I do it. I think blogging is a good way to keep it all straight and even get to share with you guys! So feel free to comment or shoot me an email if you ever want to share or even just to chat. Enjoy :)

Overcome: Go Big or Go Home
As I said before a lot of things are changing in my life. The main thing that is causing all this change is that I am finally in the "real world." Which a lot of you are or will be going through soon so hopefully this speaks to you.

The transition from college to the 40 hours a week is brutal. The 40 hours itself isn't bad. It's everything else that has to change. When I started I quickly got wrapped up in work. I started to struggle/neglect a lot of things I was already juggling: exercise, friendships, my spiritual life, and even my family. So this first blog post (soon to be many!) is my personal statement that things need to change a bit. So hold me accountable!!

I will be sharing my relationship with God, my struggles, my praises, my life lessons...anything really. One thing I've been doing recently with my spiritual growth is to always leave myself with a challenge for that day. I want to take a step back and apply that same idea for everything in life. So at the end of each blog I'm going to post a challenge.

I chose the title Overcome: Go Big or Go Home because I always find myself saying, "oh I'm gonna start tomorrow" or "the weekend is almost here I'll have more time then." So Overcome whatever your putting off for the next day. Start focusing on putting your all into those things you want accomplish.  
Go Big or Go Home. 

So ask yourself this:
What are you putting off for tomorrow?

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