Thursday, March 1, 2012


I mentioned in my last blog that I'm starting to change some things in my life. Breaking old habits and creating new ones is what I want to focus on.

What kind of patterns do you have in your life? I'm the kind of guy that when I get really excited about a new idea I invest a lot of time into. When something new that I'm passionate about comes along; it's very easy for me to switch my tasks. So a question I had to ask myself,  "Well how does a habit start?"

I recently talked with a coworker about habits so I decided to do some research on it. I found that it takes a good 3-4 weeks to create a habit. Holy crap that's a long time. Well don't worry because most of my research told me most people fail anyways. So what do you need to do to successfully create one?

Be deliberate, positive reinforcement, and motivation.

30 days is a long time. An example I think we all have gone through is working out. You wake up one morning and tell yourself that you are going to work out every day this month! The first week goes great, you're feeling awesome. Week 2 comes along and you miss a day and the first thing that comes to your mind is failure. Game Over.

    -So first be deliberate make sure you plan what you want to get done into your day make it a part of your routine.
    -The first week of working out is easy because you want to do it and it feels good! Week 2 comes and your sore and you need a break. Make sure you have positive reinforcement, everyday you go work out reward yourself right after with something that makes you happy! It's important that you maintain positive feelings towards what your doing or you will have a tough time continuing.
    -Finally, find a way to stay motivated, set goals and keep your eye on the prize.

I'm trying to focus on creating some new habits because after working 8 hours and commuting a total of 4. Most of the time I want to go home and sleep. Focusing on those three ideas are whats going to help me create some good habits in my life.

These first two posts: creating challenges and habits are to help set up what I actually want to accomplish with this blog. As I pray about it more I'm feeling called to share my spiritual walk with you. I use the internet to keep in touch with friends, read the news, netflix, play games, etc. God calls us to put him at the front of our lives. Proverbs 3:6 says, "In everything you do, put God first, and He will direct you and crown your efforts with success." Since the internet is a big part of my life that is pretty Godless, I want to use this blog to put God in front.

What areas in your life is God not first?

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