Thursday, March 8, 2012

The Great Provider

When you ask God for help how does he respond?
    Patience is something I find myself praying for a lot. Sometimes I catch myself praying for patience and decide I'm gonna wait for Him to give it to me. Man did I learn the hard way... Looking back over my college career. I noticed that He would answer my prayer, just not the way I wanted/expected Him too.

God did not give me patience, but opportunities to be patient. At the time it felt like God wasn't answering my prayer at all. It seemed like I was just becoming more impatient. Sometimes God gives you what you need. Other times he gives you opportunities to get what you need. 

Through a majority of my college career I wasted a lot of time spiritually. Today was one of those days where it hit me. I found myself praying for peace to recognize that it happened and move forward and grow. I didn't really know how I would get an answer for peace but one came.

I ended up working overtime yesterday and left around 5:30. 495/DC traffic was waiting for me. The trip turned into 2 and a half hours. In the mess of traffic was my answer. I needed prayer time and I got 2 and a half hours of it.

Proverbs 3:5-6 says, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight."

With all your heart! God has got our backs as long as we trust in Him.
Lean not on your own understanding...I think a lot of times we think we know what we need when we pray but God knows the real need!

When I prayed for patience I guess somewhere in my head I had an expectation that God was going to make me patient. 

Here's my challenge:
When you pray for help, recognize that you may not know what's best.
Trust in Him to provide with your need.
Finally listen!
You can't have a relationship where one person doesn't listen. Why should it be any different with God.

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