Monday, April 16, 2012

Friendship with God

Today I just want to share my day with you guys.

Before you go to the next line...pray.

This morning I woke up emotional drained. From a long weekend of driving, seeing old friends, and having some emotional conversations. I struggled with getting up out of bed to get to work. God could change that. So I decided to do something that I've always had a hard time with. Have an open conversation with God all day.

It was difficult because many times my prayers turn into requests and praises which is good to go to God with. Think of a relationship with one of your friends where you only ask for things and give them thanks. It's a relationship alright, but not necessarily a strong one.

As my day progressed I was doing a good job talking and doing my best to listen to God with all the distractions going on at work. At one point a turkey vulture literally attacked our window for two minutes.

My day finished. I went shopping and then for a run. I came back confused. Although I had done a pretty good job meeting my goal, I felt like I didn't accomplish what I set out to do.

Going back to the friend analogy. Imagine a friend where you only ask for things and give thanks. Meanwhile you are busy the whole time not giving that person your full attention. It's pretty weak...

I decided to power down the phone for an hour. Listen to some worship music, pray and just let God talk. I felt like in that one hour I accomplished more then I did all day half talking.

So here's my challenge:
Reflect on your relationship with God. 
What kind of relationship do you have with Him?

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