Tuesday, July 24, 2012


It's been a very long time since I've posted a blog. So I apologize to those who have been asking me to write a new one.

A couple friends of mine have told me to check out this book called Radical: Taking Back your Faith from an American Dream by David Platt. He explores how many Christians today take a "God-centered gospel and fit it to our human-centered preferences." I want to share my experience and challenges while reading this book.

My challenge is to think on this. Whether you decide to read this book or not, you don't have to do a lot of research to figure out where you are twisting God's word.
Where are you twisting God's will to make Christianity acceptable to your standards?
What can you do to get rid of your standards and focus only on God's.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Grocery Shopping

Week 1: 
    I was walking down (or up, for some of the crazy people that the difference between down and up matters...They're both there pick one.)...
    I was walking down the bread isle in the local Harris Teeter, looking for some of Nature's Own: Honey Wheat bread.  When I realized I had one more aisle to go,  I shot off a quick peace to God knowing that my quest was almost over because I can't stand grocery shopping. Finally I made my way to the cash register, packed my car and went home thinking the worst was over with. I charged $xxx.xx for my groceries. I then had to carry the groceries up to the fourth floor!!! I know what you're thinking... poor guy. Thanks guys I appreciate it because it stunk! 

    I really only got around to using about 70% of the food I bought. About 30% of it I either didn't use or it went bad. So I had to figure out what I didn't need so I could not spend so much. Grocery Shopping week 2 sucked just as bad, but I managed to shave off about $50 dollars from the last week. So I'm pretty pumped, feeling good about that extra cash...trying to figure out what I want to do with it. When it hit me that what I just experienced was something that all christians struggle with. Buying unnecessary things.

John 4:34
    "'My food', said Jesus, 'is to do the will of Him who sent me and to finish His work.'"

I dug a little bit deeper. I'll leave the task to you to do a bible study of your own. I found a lot of associated words that led me to many verses regarding this topic. For example, "nourishment", "rich fulfillment", "our daily bread"... the list goes on. I encourage you to take a look.

Anyways, my point is that the transition from grocery shopping from week 1 to week 2; something changed. I realized there were things I didn't need to buy so I was able to get rid of them.

We are called to be 110% devoted to God. Something I think I can speak for everyone on is that we all have things in our lives that do not please God. So next week what can you start to shave out of your life.

My challenge to you is this:

What food are you buying that will go bad?
Get rid of it.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Friendship with God

Today I just want to share my day with you guys.

Before you go to the next line...pray.

This morning I woke up emotional drained. From a long weekend of driving, seeing old friends, and having some emotional conversations. I struggled with getting up out of bed to get to work. God could change that. So I decided to do something that I've always had a hard time with. Have an open conversation with God all day.

It was difficult because many times my prayers turn into requests and praises which is good to go to God with. Think of a relationship with one of your friends where you only ask for things and give them thanks. It's a relationship alright, but not necessarily a strong one.

As my day progressed I was doing a good job talking and doing my best to listen to God with all the distractions going on at work. At one point a turkey vulture literally attacked our window for two minutes.

My day finished. I went shopping and then for a run. I came back confused. Although I had done a pretty good job meeting my goal, I felt like I didn't accomplish what I set out to do.

Going back to the friend analogy. Imagine a friend where you only ask for things and give thanks. Meanwhile you are busy the whole time not giving that person your full attention. It's pretty weak...

I decided to power down the phone for an hour. Listen to some worship music, pray and just let God talk. I felt like in that one hour I accomplished more then I did all day half talking.

So here's my challenge:
Reflect on your relationship with God. 
What kind of relationship do you have with Him?

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

My Soul Cries Out

Today I wanted to share one of my favorite worship songs.

"From The Inside Out"

A thousand times I've failed
Still your mercy remains
Should I stumble again
Still I'm caught in your grace
Everlasting, your light will shine when all else fades
Never ending, your glory goes beyond all fame

Your will above all else
My purpose remains
The art of losing myself in bringing you praise
Everlasting, your light will shine when all else fades
Never ending, your glory goes beyond all fame

In my heart, in my soul
I give you control
Consume me from the inside out
Let justice and praise
Become my embrace
To love you from the inside out

Everlasting, your light will shine when all else fades
Never ending, your glory goes beyond all fame
And the cry of my heart is to bring you praise
From the inside out
Lord my soul cries out

I've been singing worship music the majority of my life. In highschool we had chapel every week and I remember singing songs of praise. I remember doing it because thats what we did in chapel and nothing else. It struck me towards the end of my highschool career that singing praise without meaning is worthless...it's empty. 

You're not singing to sound good, you're not singing because it's what you do at the beginning and end of church. You're singing because you're proclaiming you're love for God. I love the last line of this song...."Lord my soul cries out." That's what we're doing and when it happens it's such a powerful thing.

In the past month I had the opportunity to go to 2 worship nights. I'm still blown away with how intense a worship sesh can get when you just let it all out...

So my challenge for you is this:
Next time you sing praise to God...don't just sing.
Find meaning in your words and let your soul cry out!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Be Known

Hey Guys!
It's been a while. The move in process was great! I'm officially a VA resident.
I gave myself last week to get things settled. This week I have no excuse to not be writing blogs.

When I moved out to my own place. I decided to be intentional with my time and who I am. It's a pretty huge step from college into the real world. There are so many new responsibilities and it is so easy to get lost in the new life.

I decided to write down things I expected of myself and things I wanted to stand by and live for. The most important quality, I decided, was being a Christian.

I decided to take it a step further and not only be a Christian but be known as one.
I've been reading through the Gospels and one of the first things I noticed are these twelve disciples following Jesus. They are known for that.

I think it's very easy to feel comfortable going to church. It's very easy to share your spirituality with others who share the same views as you and be okay with that, hiding your spirituality. Stepping out and making yourself known to everyone else like Jesus and his disciples did is what we're called to do.

Since I've been here for such a short time some of my main relationships are at work.So a huge goal of mine has been to have conversations, reach out, and serve in the work environment. It's crazy...God has been actively moving within the company. I've had several conversations about faith with a few of coworkers. Others aren't on the same page but have been open to talking about it, and there's even service projects starting up to get involved with.

So here's my question for you:

Where do you need to make yourself known?

Friday, March 30, 2012

More God

Last weekend I went to a college/early career worship night.I got to catch up with some friends I hadn't seen in a long time.

You know when you're watching your favorite tv show that starts at 8 and it's like 8:50. The show is just starting to get really interesting. Then it ends and your left with wanting more.

This is exactly how I felt during that worship service. It was joyfully intense and a little saddening after it ended. The work week came and I found myself doing my daily routine: devotion, prayer, etc. I struggled with feeling satisfied. I began to pray, but I still wasn't satisfied. So I did some reading and sat in silent thought. I 're-realized' something you probably may have heard before. God satisfies us, He is the only Living Water that can.

John 4:14 says, "but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life."

So why wasn't I satisfied? Looking back to that night of worship feeling satisfied, what changed?
In that moment during worship I wanted more God. During the week I was doing my routine just to do it. With the big move out of my house this weekend, I was more focused on that then my time with God.
So how can I get more God?
Well the good thing is God is everywhere so we can get Him anywhere.
Devote more time to Him.
Like some of the past blog posts suggest: Give more, have a better attitude, bring God into daily things, take Him with you everywhere.

I think being more aware of God and focusing on glorifying Him even when it's hard to focus, will help you find more satisfaction. It will leave you always wanting more of Him.

I wanted to clarify what satisfaction means to me. Satisfaction means, "The fulfillment or gratification of a desire, need, or appetite." In my life I am the most satisfied when I am left wanting more of God

So my question for you:
Are you satisfied?

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Glorify (Becky Booker)

Becky Booker and I go all the way back to like 1st or 2nd grade or something...it's crazy.
Keeping in touch with her I've noticed just how important following God's plan is to her...whether God sends her somewhere or not. Either way it's incredible and so inspiring to see her listen to God's plan above everything else. I hope you enjoy her post as much as I did!!!!!

Ever had a door slam in your face? It’s not very pleasant: in fact it’s pretty startling, painful, and sometimes confusing. I recently had a door shut in my face… well, figuratively that is.

I was 5 days away from leaving on my 4.5 month missions trip to the West Bank. I had my stuff together, my books read, and my heart prepared. I was ready to go preach the Good News there! But God, as He so often does, had different plans. Long story short, I found out Sunday night that I wouldn’t be boarding my booked flight that coming Friday. The answer was no.

So the door was closed. But here’s the thing: I DID have a choice. I got to decide what my response was going to be. I could pout and curse God for ruining my plans, or “Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, and in everything give thanks” (1 Thess. 5:16-18). Praise God for His grace. I was moved to my knees. To weeping and to prayer.

Scriptures like
Isaiah 55:8-9 “For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways,” declares the Lord. “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.”


Jeremiah 29:11 (Jimmy’s favorite, I believe!) “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “ plans to prosper you and not to harm you; plans to give you a hope and a future.”
were a great comfort.

It kind of came down to one thing a friend told me. He said, “Becky, if you’re not glorifying God here, how do you expect to go halfway around the world and be a light for Christ??” That just made a lot of sense to me. Our purpose as humans is to glorify God. Period. The Bible says that we show our love for God by obeying Him. As Christians, our very definition is to be “Christ-like.”

Instead of throwing a fit, I threw a heartfelt prayer for God to be glorified, because that’s what matters. We are called to love, and to make disciples.

And here’s where my challenge comes in- for myself first.
Before I go halfway around the world, I need to check myself. I need to make sure I’m glorifying God HERE. Who am I intentionally sharing the Gospel with? How do I become the definition of a Christian?

So now your turn- step back. Take a look at your life. Is it glorifying to God? Or do you see a lot of complaining, gossiping, and just downright disobedience? Are you intentionally sharing the Gospel? Are you Living it?? Take tonight to get on your knees before God and tell Him how awesome He is and how much you love Him. Thank Him. Ask Him to be glorified in and through you. And the next time a door gets slammed in your face, take it from me- the best place to go is to your knees.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Moving Out

I have less then two weeks until i move out. I decided I need to bring the blog posts from every weekday to 2 times a week, at least until I get packed, unpacked, and moved in.

However, I did want to leave you with this.

I was talking to one of my coworkers today about a company trip to the D.R. and he told me that if he couldn't go it wouldn't be the end of the world because not only is his passion giving, but helping others to give.

So think about how this world would look if everyone gave more like Alex Smith's blog talked about.
Then go one step further...what if everyone also helped other people give.
It's an over humbling thought.

And if anyone would like to write a post. E-mail me or call me I'd love to chat!!

So my challenge: 
Continue to give.
But also...
How can you help others to give?

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Spring Break with God (Alicia Zinda)

I’ve known Alicia Zinda for about 8 years now. I spoke with her recently about how she exercises her faith. (I’m gonna try to get this all right) She sings on the worship team, does bible studies, helps teach bible lessons to elementary education...the list goes on. My point is that it’s so inspiring to see someone who wraps their whole whole week in God.
Enjoy her post!!
I was determined that my spring break this year was going to blow all the other ones I have had out of the water. Let’s face it, all my spring breaks in the past have consisted of going home to work, so ANYTHING would beat that right? 

Plans failed, and failed attempt after attempt. I was bitter and disappointed. Then, an opportunity! A last minute and very spontaneous one, the kind that actually feeds my soul more than ones that are planned out completely. My sister had a trip planned to San Diego, CA because of work related reasons, the same week as my spring break. Once I found out, I jokingly asked if I could tag along. Well, I took that joke to a new level and made it a reality- I was going to San Diego for spring break! With my sister! Hotel paid for! It was going to be amazing! I had never been to CA before so this obviously was going to be a great experience. 

I was packing light so that I could fit everything in to this carry-on sized bag so that I did not have to pay a fee for checking a bag. Please, my flight already cost an arm and a leg, that airline did not need my money for extra bags. At school, I’m currently in 3 book studies with 3 different groups of people and I was supposed to be keeping up with readings over break. I decided I could take one of those books, along with my bible, and my journal. But I couldn’t. It just wouldn’t fit with all the clothes, shoes, make-up, etc. that I wanted to bring along with me. So I took out some of those clothes, a pair of shoes, and my bible. I didn’t really need my bible to do the book study, because the book had scripture, prayer, etc. right? Wrong. If anything, I should’ve put the book and my journal back and kept the bible because that is what I found myself wanting the most while I was away. Sure, I read my book and wrote in my journal the first couple days, but after that, my mind was on vacation from not only school, but my life. VA and its problems were clear across the country and I was determined to have a good time. 

Well I no doubt had a good time. But as the week was ending, I realized that I hadn’t read out of my book or wrote in my journal since the beginning of the week. Now, my vacation is over, I am back in VA, and am feeling in a funk. Not only did I take a vacation from my life in VA, I took a vacation from God. I thought that I could provide for my own happiness while on vacation by spending money on all the food, drinks, clothes, and souvenirs that would fit in my luggage home. But I should have packed my bible, and I should have invited God to hang out with me on my vacation more so that I could truly find peace and happiness from my troubles. 

We can’t just take a break from God. Now, God was certainly with me that whole time- he never leaves us- I just chose not to acknowledge Him the whole time.  As Christians, we are called to acknowledge Him and praise Him in everything that we do, including going on vacations. 

1 Chronicles 28:9 (NIV) states, “And you, my son Solomon, acknowledge the God of your father, and serve him with wholehearted devotion and with a willing mind, for the LORD searches every heart and understands every desire and every thought. If you seek him, he will be found by you; but if you forsake him, he will reject you forever.” 

Like Solomon, we have been chosen as Christians to follow Christ and to seek him wholeheartedly. If you seek Christ with your whole heart, you are doing so day in and day out no matter where you are or what the circumstance. This is tough, but we can do it. And when we do, the reward is eternal. 

So, my challenge to you is this:
Next time you go on a vacation of any kind, continue to seek God wholeheartedly.
He will already be there, but it is up to your heart’s desire to find Him.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012


I had asked my mom to write a blog and she pumped one out in a day I'd thought I'd share it worth you all today! She's been doing bible studies for like...since before I was born every other Sunday. It's awesome to have her in my life, seeing how on with God she is!


I have been totally inspired by my oldest son in regards to spending more alone time with God.  He has decided to blog about his walk with God everyday.  I looked forward to each blog he posts.  We get so caught up with life, that we don’t take any alone time.  When he told me he was going to ask friends to share a blog with him that he would like to share on his Friday posts, I of course jumped at the chance to do this.

My alone time brought through prayer and scripture, the word “nurture” to my thoughts.  

So I thought that is what I would blog on.  The word “nurture” has many definitions:
                   to feed and protect
                   to support and encourage
                   to bring up; train; educate
These are all definitions from the dictionary. 

As a parent, especially a mother this is exactly what all my years of raising both boys involved. 

Now when I go into God’s dictionary (The Bible) the definitions are:
          Availability – morning, noon and night
(Deuteronomy 6:6-7)
          Involvement – interacting, discussing, thinking, and processing life together
                             (Ephesians 6:4)
          Teaching – the Scriptures and a biblical worldview
 (Psalm 78:5-6 and Deuteronomy 4:10)
          Training – helping a child to develop skills and discover his/her strengths
                    (Proverbs 22:6) and spiritual gifts (Romans 12:3-8)
Discipline – teaching the fear of the Lord, drawing the line consistently, loving,
   firmly (Ephesians 6:4 and Hebrews 12:5-11)
Nurture – providing an environment of constant verbal support, freedom to fail, acceptance, affection, unconditional love (Titus 2:4. 2 Timothy 1:7); Ephesians 4:29:32)

I don’t know about you but I love the definitions from God’s “Dictionary” so much better.  They express true love not just actions as the ones from the dictionary express.

I am on the verge of both my boys moving into their own apartments in the next few months.  My first reaction is sadness, then excitement for them.  I remember jumping into the real world and how exciting it was.  I can not help to think who will nurture these young men and after reading God’s definitions, I am overwhelmed in knowing that I can securely hand them over to Him.  I will always be there for them, but I know that the deep nurturing from now on will need to come from God in order for them to grow independently as young men.

Being a mother was a very important role that the Lord chose to give me.  My children were truly a gift from Him.  I thank God for blessing me with these two amazing young men, and if only briefly allowing me to be there nurturer.  Now as they are on the verge of beginning their adult life, I freely and confidently hand them over to their supreme nurturer.  I know that I modeled my life with integrity and I hope both my boys realized I tried very hard to show the essence of Godly living.

As I close I want them both to know while my role of motherhood must change and develop, the love, care, nurture and encouragement will never cease.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

24/7 Worship

What is worship?   According to my dictionary it means to accord God with proper recognition of His greatness and value.
How to worship?
    It goes outside the scope of just singing. To give God proper recognition of His greatness and value...we can do that anywhere. It applies to life! It's why God created us. It's what we will do for the rest of eternity in heaven.

I want to go a little scripture crazy for a sec.

I Corinthians 10:31, "So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.

John 4:23, "Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks."

Psalm 29:2, "Ascribe to the LORD the glory due his name; worship the LORD in the splendor of his holiness."

Revelations 4:10, "the twenty-four elders fall down before him who sits on the throne and worship him who lives for ever and ever."

I could go on all day.

This morning when I got into my car and turned on the radio and started driving. I saw the sunrise coming up over the trees, the roads were clear, the weather was awesome. It was a morning that you know couldn't have been an accident. So I decided to worship all the way to work.

It's something I forget daily, to worship God in everything I do. Focusing on worshiping God all day sets you up for success.

Proverbs 15:8, "The LORD detests the sacrifice of the wicked, but the prayer of the upright pleases him."

It's such a humbling thought that we, by worshiping God, can please Him.

So here's my challenge:
Take some time to Worship Him.
It's not something we should do sometimes, it's a lifestyle.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Your Move God

I had some ideas on what I wanted to write about today but I caught myself asking a question that I think is "blog-worthy."

What's my next move God?
    It's incredibly scary but also a humbling question. Not knowing what's going to happen in a month, week, day, or even in a few minutes is crazy in today's world. Asking that question to the same God that spoke everything. The God that was there at our start and who will be there at our finish. The God that always is. Never has been or will be...He just is.

It's kind of scary how little I can remember asking myself this question.

The popular verse Psalms 119:105, says "Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path." 
    It is crazy how many times God tells us to let him lead the way.

It's not an easy question to ask. I find myself only asking it in areas of my life that I'm willing to let God have.
This is the reason the name of the blog is Go Big or Go Home because Christians struggle with letting God have everything!

It's easy to ask the question once and feel good for the next week.
It's easy to let Him lead for some things in your life
It's easy to tell God what your next move will be.

It's hard to let God do it always. He does promise us that the reward will be great.
I don't want to make the blog unnecessarily long when the point is clear.

My challenge is this:
Let him Lead.
Hey God, what's my next move.

I heard a cool quote recently. Write down your plans in pencil and give God the eraser.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Give (Alex Smith)

Alex Smith is a college student at the University of Delaware. I've known him for as long as I can remember. He's a guy that has always taken time out of his day to help where he is needed.
I hope you enjoy his blog entry!!

What would this world look like if we pushed ourselves?

Now, there are different ways to push one’s self. Physically and emotionally are the two most thought of. But what if we were to push a relationship?

It’s well known that we should not be content in our relationship with God. We should never
reach a settling point.

But what if I stretch it? Everyone has the line of giving to God. Of saying, here God, I give
you “fill in the blank”. For me, in the past it has been either a stressful exam or amount of work, a struggle in a relationship, an unknown question.

Then I read a book. And it made me realize, as Americans, our idea of pushing ourselves for God is pathetic. Especially when it comes to giving of money and possessions. People give money towards things, but there is always that line. We are called to feed the hungry, clothe the homeless, care for the widows.

The following is from Matthew 25: 35-46

‘For I was hungry, and you gave Me something to eat; I was thirsty, and you gave
Me something to drink; I was a stranger, and you invited Me in; naked, and you clothed
Me; I was sick, and you visited Me; I was in prison, and you came to Me.“Then the
righteous will answer Him, ‘Lord, when did we see You hungry, and feed You, or thirsty,
and give You something to drink? ‘And when did we see You a stranger, and invite You
in, or naked, and clothe You? ‘When did we see You sick, or in prison, and come to
You?’ “The King will answer and say to them, ‘Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did
it to one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them, you did it to Me.’

“Then He will also say to those on His left, ‘Depart from Me, accursed ones, into the
eternal fire which has been prepared for the devil and his angels; for I was hungry, and
you gave Me nothing to eat; I was thirsty, and you gave Me nothing to drink; I was a
stranger, and you did not invite Me in; naked, and you did not clothe Me; sick, and in prison,
and you did not visit Me.’ “Then they themselves also will answer, ‘Lord, when did we see
You hungry, or thirsty, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not take care
of You?’ “Then He will answer them, ‘Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did not do
it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to Me.’ “These will go away into eternal
punishment, but the righteous into eternal life.”

Last time I checked, they were all still out there and we therefore have more we need to give.

That’s how I’ve been challenging myself. Instead of getting my new phone I’ve been waiting for, I gave money to world vision. I trust if I need the phone, somehow it will be provided.

So here is my challenge:

Instead of going out to eat, buying a new shirt, movie, video game, whatever it is you’ve been eying; take that money, ALL of it, and give it to the needy.
Go to worldvisions website.
Go to any charity. Wherever you feel called, and watch what God can do!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

The Great Provider

When you ask God for help how does he respond?
    Patience is something I find myself praying for a lot. Sometimes I catch myself praying for patience and decide I'm gonna wait for Him to give it to me. Man did I learn the hard way... Looking back over my college career. I noticed that He would answer my prayer, just not the way I wanted/expected Him too.

God did not give me patience, but opportunities to be patient. At the time it felt like God wasn't answering my prayer at all. It seemed like I was just becoming more impatient. Sometimes God gives you what you need. Other times he gives you opportunities to get what you need. 

Through a majority of my college career I wasted a lot of time spiritually. Today was one of those days where it hit me. I found myself praying for peace to recognize that it happened and move forward and grow. I didn't really know how I would get an answer for peace but one came.

I ended up working overtime yesterday and left around 5:30. 495/DC traffic was waiting for me. The trip turned into 2 and a half hours. In the mess of traffic was my answer. I needed prayer time and I got 2 and a half hours of it.

Proverbs 3:5-6 says, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight."

With all your heart! God has got our backs as long as we trust in Him.
Lean not on your own understanding...I think a lot of times we think we know what we need when we pray but God knows the real need!

When I prayed for patience I guess somewhere in my head I had an expectation that God was going to make me patient. 

Here's my challenge:
When you pray for help, recognize that you may not know what's best.
Trust in Him to provide with your need.
Finally listen!
You can't have a relationship where one person doesn't listen. Why should it be any different with God.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

The Man with the Plan

When was the last time you took control of a situation?
   The second part of that question is...Was God involved?

I don't know about you guys but I am awful at this. I'm a huge planner, don't get me wrong...I like to be spontaneous, but I love to have a plan and be in control. It definitely conflicts with my spiritual goals.

I finally get to share my favorite bible verse with you, irony and all.

Jeremiah 29:11 says, "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

God knows it ALL. He's the ultimate planner.  Read that verse again.

A question I've been asking myself lately is, "If God is the ultimate planner and His plans are perfect. Then why am I trying to out plan God and take control of my life."

I've gone through a lot of big changes recently a lot of them weren't part of MY plan. I had to make a decision to do my own thing or let God lead me. And geez it's pretty sucky at times, but God promises us it will all be worth it. Please understand there's no going half way with this. God is a jealous God! He doesn't want part of your life. He wants all of it! Go Big or Go Home!!

I struggle hardcore with giving him all of me but I've felt the relief when I do try to give it all to Him. It's such a rewarding feeling.

AH I get so excited seeing so many verses about giving ourselves to God. The promise afterwards is the best...in return he'll take care of us according to His perfect plan.

If you're in need for some bible study ideas. There is so much God has to say about this.

My Challenge sounds easy, only a day, but make an effort to give Him everything!
For a whole day, every decision you make consciously pray and let God have control.
He created us in His image to worship Him not the other way around!

I decided to try something new. Once a week I'd like someone else to do a blog entry and every Friday I'll post it. 
So starting this Friday we'll have a "guest blogger."
If your interested shoot me an e-mail at beckerj03@gmail.com.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012


I'm in the middle of a book called Crazy Love by Francis Chan. It's the third time I've read it since I was a freshman in college. I think the points he brings up are incredible. He inspires, convicts, and pushes us to love God in such a strong way.

Today I got up at 4:45AM after falling asleep around 12:05AM. I knew I was in for a treat. I left for work around 5:30AM and got to work at 6:45AM. I left work at 3:45PM and got home around 5:30PM. I fell asleep on the couch until 8:30PM. I'm planning on going to bed around 10PM.

I told this to my parents looking for some sort of sympathy. My dad said something like, "you and 50 million other people." My mom said they did that back in the day with their eyes closed. As I left the room they told me to suck it up. Thanks guys haha.

Anyway my point is that it was definitely tough to want to write this blog tonight. I sat down and prayed about what I should write about and I remembered a point Francis made in is book on love. Think about when you fall in love with a girl/guy. When you love someone you want to go out of your way to be with them. Driving five hours is worth it because even a moment with that person would be worth it.

Matthew 22:37 says, "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment."

If we really loved the Lord with all our heart it wouldn't be a matter of making time. It would be something that we would want to do. 

I think this is something we struggle with a lot, I know I do. When it isn't convenient to write a blog, or say a prayer, or do a bible study it's easy to say I'll catch up tomorrow. I know when I feel strongly about someone I make time for them!

Google "verses on love" and read some of them to see how much God loves us.
We are incapable of a love so pure.
Pray over those verses and strive to live a life fully in love with God.

My challenge may sound harsh but we are all guilty of it:
Next time you find yourself not having enough time for God. Pray!!

Monday, March 5, 2012


Exercise. The first thing that comes to mind is our bodies and what we are doing to stay in shape.

So why exercise? A silly question but it's a really important one to ask.
    It keeps our body healthy and strong. Go Google it and you'll find thousands of good reasons why exercising is good.

Over my whole college experience I had spurts of really intense workout semesters. Then they led straight to semesters where I did nothing. I think almost everyone can agree (aside from those crazy people who work out literally all day long every day) that working out is really hard to keep in our schedules. It's one of those things we want to do every day but consistently find ways to push it back.

So what's the point Jim are you calling me fat?!
    Physically no, but spiritually we all are.

I Timothy 4:8 says, "For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come."
    I love verses in the Bible where God just tells it straight. 
    It's important to physically exercise but exercising spiritually will define our eternity.

Well how do I exercise my faith?
    I decided to ask a few friends who really know how to exercise their faith. To keep it short I will share one with you. He's been in my life a long time and seeing him grow over the years has given me such a deep respect towards him.

 I've known him since elementary school. He's always been someone in my life I could call whenever I was struggling. He always had words of wisdom for me. I asked him how he exercises his faith. He said
  •     First, pray. The more he spends his time in legit prayer and talking to God and being real the closer he feels.
  •     Second read the bible. He reads over the verses, he prays over the verses.
  •     Third, memorize scripture. You can use it to minister to others and to encourage yourself.
  •     Fourth, listening to worship music a lot. It helps him focus on God throughout the day. Most importantly he makes it a point to mean what he is actually singing.
  •     Finally get involved with church, small groups, InterVarsity. 
  •     He said "Christian fellowship is essential for exercising our faith."
I'm sure this isn't even all that he does to exercise his faith!!!
Sorry that this is lengthy but I think exercising our faith is the most important part of a relationship with God. If we're not growing towards Him were walking away.

Exercising is hard :(
Both quoted that fellowship is very important to one's faith. I don't think that's a coincidence. Build habits!! Have others in your life to hold you accountable!! Keep the faith!!

Pray over this next line. Ask God how you can get "in shape."
Exercise your faith.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Command the Attention of the World

Learn to do common things uncommonly well. - George Washington Carver

Take a second to think about what this actually means. Think of all the common things in your life. The routines, the patterns, the things you do without having to put much thought into it, even your job! Now imagine if you took everything that you did and did it to the best of your ability.

I found another version of the same quote that goes a bit farther
    When you do the common things in life in an uncommon way, you will command the attention of the world.

...You will command the attention of the world.

Growing up I remember hearing the phrases "feed the dog" or "take out the trash" about a million times. Each time, whether I expressed it or not, I was not happy doing them. Even the little things that we do leave a huge impression on those around us.

Ephesians 9:10 says, "Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might..."
    If you have to do something do it well! Go Big or Go Home.

Colossians 3:23 says, "Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men."
    God calls us to do everything as if we were doing it all for him.

I work with a guy who I haven't gotten to know very well yet. Every time I have interacted with him he always seems to go out of his way to do whatever he can to help. Just from watching him you can see the joy he gets from helping. The few times I've been around him he has attracted my attention because he is an expert at doing the common things uncommonly well. It doesn't go unnoticed.

My challenge is to focus on this quote

When you do the common things in life in an uncommon way, you will command the attention of the world.

Think about the things you do no matter how big or small that make an impact on someone.

Use Colossians 3:23 to help you through things you don't want to do. 
After all, God made us to worship Him. 
Why should we be doing anything else!?

Thursday, March 1, 2012


I mentioned in my last blog that I'm starting to change some things in my life. Breaking old habits and creating new ones is what I want to focus on.

What kind of patterns do you have in your life? I'm the kind of guy that when I get really excited about a new idea I invest a lot of time into. When something new that I'm passionate about comes along; it's very easy for me to switch my tasks. So a question I had to ask myself,  "Well how does a habit start?"

I recently talked with a coworker about habits so I decided to do some research on it. I found that it takes a good 3-4 weeks to create a habit. Holy crap that's a long time. Well don't worry because most of my research told me most people fail anyways. So what do you need to do to successfully create one?

Be deliberate, positive reinforcement, and motivation.

30 days is a long time. An example I think we all have gone through is working out. You wake up one morning and tell yourself that you are going to work out every day this month! The first week goes great, you're feeling awesome. Week 2 comes along and you miss a day and the first thing that comes to your mind is failure. Game Over.

    -So first be deliberate make sure you plan what you want to get done into your day make it a part of your routine.
    -The first week of working out is easy because you want to do it and it feels good! Week 2 comes and your sore and you need a break. Make sure you have positive reinforcement, everyday you go work out reward yourself right after with something that makes you happy! It's important that you maintain positive feelings towards what your doing or you will have a tough time continuing.
    -Finally, find a way to stay motivated, set goals and keep your eye on the prize.

I'm trying to focus on creating some new habits because after working 8 hours and commuting a total of 4. Most of the time I want to go home and sleep. Focusing on those three ideas are whats going to help me create some good habits in my life.

These first two posts: creating challenges and habits are to help set up what I actually want to accomplish with this blog. As I pray about it more I'm feeling called to share my spiritual walk with you. I use the internet to keep in touch with friends, read the news, netflix, play games, etc. God calls us to put him at the front of our lives. Proverbs 3:6 says, "In everything you do, put God first, and He will direct you and crown your efforts with success." Since the internet is a big part of my life that is pretty Godless, I want to use this blog to put God in front.

What areas in your life is God not first?

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Overcome: Go Big or Go Home

Hey guys! It's been a long time since I have blogged.

Why did I decide to start blogging again you ask?
   Well first of all lot of big changes are going on in my life right now and I feel like it's enough to get another blog started to share some of the things I'm going through.
   I usually journal and I'm really unorganized with the way I do it. I think blogging is a good way to keep it all straight and even get to share with you guys! So feel free to comment or shoot me an email if you ever want to share or even just to chat. Enjoy :)

Overcome: Go Big or Go Home
As I said before a lot of things are changing in my life. The main thing that is causing all this change is that I am finally in the "real world." Which a lot of you are or will be going through soon so hopefully this speaks to you.

The transition from college to the 40 hours a week is brutal. The 40 hours itself isn't bad. It's everything else that has to change. When I started I quickly got wrapped up in work. I started to struggle/neglect a lot of things I was already juggling: exercise, friendships, my spiritual life, and even my family. So this first blog post (soon to be many!) is my personal statement that things need to change a bit. So hold me accountable!!

I will be sharing my relationship with God, my struggles, my praises, my life lessons...anything really. One thing I've been doing recently with my spiritual growth is to always leave myself with a challenge for that day. I want to take a step back and apply that same idea for everything in life. So at the end of each blog I'm going to post a challenge.

I chose the title Overcome: Go Big or Go Home because I always find myself saying, "oh I'm gonna start tomorrow" or "the weekend is almost here I'll have more time then." So Overcome whatever your putting off for the next day. Start focusing on putting your all into those things you want accomplish.  
Go Big or Go Home. 

So ask yourself this:
What are you putting off for tomorrow?